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Beagle / Pointer / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Female (not spayed)  : :  Baby  : :  Medium

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About Charity

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: 225
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White with Black
  • Current Age: 4 Years 10 Months (born on 4/18/2020)
  • Housetrained: No

Bunny, the mother of this litter, appears to be a purebred Beagle.  However, none of the puppies look like her and are all black and white, some with a small to moderate amount of ticking (speckled pattern.)  We suspect that the father might possibly have been an English Pointer, as all of these puppies strongly resemble Pointer pups at the same age.  They will likely be bigger than their Beagle mama, with our best guess being that they will be somewhere between 25 and 45 lbs when full grown.  This is only a guess.  It’s possible that some could get a little bigger.  There simply is no way to know for certain, so bear their potential adult size in mind when considering adopting.  They should be ready to go home at approximately 8-9 weeks old  

Please remember that puppies this young will need you now more than ever because this is the age when they begin to understand structure and routine.  Besides the fact that their bodies are not developed enough to “hold it” when they are this young, leaving them crated or unattended for hours on end will not offer them the love, attention, socialization, exercise, or training that they will need to become the adult dogs you want them to be for their lifetime - and your lifetime too. 

We want all of our potential adopters to be fully aware of all of the extra time and trouble it takes to raise a puppy.  Our friends at the Median SPCA said it so well on a listing for a litter they had some time ago, and we are copying it here with their permission.   

“Cute as buttons, right?  They are!  But you don't want one.  Seriously, scroll away now, because as cute and snuggly as they are, you don't want a puppy.

You think you DO want a puppy?  Okay, let's break it down.


Are you prepared to get out of your warm bed at 3am, scramble to put on a jacket and boots as fast as you can, take an umbrella to hold over both of you, and take a puppy outside in the freezing sleet with a "what a good puppy!" ready on your lips the moment they relieve themselves?  And then do it again 3 hours later?  Because THAT is what house training a puppy is in Ohio at this time of year.


Are you ready to say, "Okay, that was my fault. We'll be more careful next time" when the dress shoes you JUST polished and set out for that big meeting got chewed up?  After all, supervision wasn't the puppy's job, it was yours.  And if the puppy makes a mistake, that's on you for not supervising properly.


Puppies are like furry little sharks - you have to know where they are and what they're doing every minute or you're going to end up with your cell phone chewed up, your pillow peed on, and all those fancy dinner dishes on the floor because that tablecloth was *just* within reach of little puppy teeth.


Puppies don't understand your words, their teething teeth need to chew on stuff, and they will suck up your time and energy. 




Not to mention socialization and training.  Structure and training are what makes the difference between a great furry family member and a yappy terrorbeast.  If you don't have the time and the dedication to work with a pup, trust us, you don't want a pup.


Seriously.  Puppies are WORK.  They're messy.  They'll disrupt your sleep.  They'll destroy your stuff.  They poop.  They put everything in their mouths (and they sometimes run up big vet bills doing it).


You don't want a puppy.  


What?  You DO want a puppy?  Are you crazy?  


Or are you just crazy-dedicated to working with a pup so they grow up happy, healthy, and a great part of the family?


You are?  Great!”


If you feel you are ready and able to make the commitment to taking on the responsibility of a young puppy, you can easily fill out an adoption application by clicking here: adoption application.  For anyone viewing this on Petfinder, if you are interested in adopting this animal you will need to go to our website to fill out the online adoption application. You can usually find more pictures of the animals there too. Click on our name "Roses Rescue" in blue above to be taken directly to our website.

Please bear in mind that we will receive an extremely high number of applications for these puppies and may not be able to respond to everyone who applies.  It may take several days or more for your application to be processed.  We will review all forms but the process to evaluate them is time-consuming so your patience is greatly appreciated.  

More about Charity

Good with Dogs, Playful, Affectionate, Goofy


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