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A Few Words about Spaying/Neutering

Rose’s Rescue, along with every other shelter and rescue throughout the country, sees the unfortunate results of the pet over-population crisis on a daily basis.  There are simply too many unwanted dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.  The single most effective way to address this problem is to have your pet spayed or neutered. It’s that simple.  Your pet will also be healthier for it (it will literally prevent some forms of cancer in both cats and dogs), and less likely to run away.  Spaying and neutering can even help your pet overcome some behavioral issues such as aggression, dominance, and territorial marking.  But don’t just take our word for it.  Check out the following organizations' websites for plenty of facts, figures and valuable insights into this issue: The NAFAAmerican HumaneThe SPCA 

Need help with the cost of having your pet fixed?  Here are several options that can save you some money on spaying and neutering: 

  • The Great Life Spay Neuter Wellness Clinic, Brimfield, Ohio 330-525-9988
  • Humble Creatures Veterinary Clinic, Canton, Ohio 234-999-1402
  • AlterClinic Animal Care, Canton, Ohio 234-804-3064
  • Pet Guards Low Cost Spaying, Neutering,and Vaccinations in Cuyahoga Falls has been offering affordable pet care for over twenty years.  See their website for more details.
  • Primary Pet Care in Stow and Fairlawn:
  • One of a Kind Pets, a rescue in Akron, Ohio has their own low cost spay and neuter clinic.  More information can be found on the clinic pages of their website.
  •  An organization called Friends of Animals sells low cost certificates that some veterinarians honor as payment for spaying and neutering surgeries.  For prices and to find a participating vet in your area, visit their website.
  • Our colleagues at Angels for Animals in Canfield also have low-cost spaying and neutering.  More details can be found on their website.
  • Citizens for Humane Animal Practices (C.H.A.P) holds a monthly mobile service to spay/neuter cats and kittens in downtown Akron.  Call or email for details: 330-724-6181 or cattwood7243
  • Quick Fix brings low cost spay/neuter services to Medina County, Ohio
  • TNR of Warren low cost cat spay/neuter in Trumbull County, Ohio

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                                                                                   The McCormick Spay & Neuter Fund 
Thanks to a generous gift left to us by a Rose's Rescue adopter and through the cooperation of area spay/neuter clinics,  we have created a fund to help with the spaying/neutering of pets for those in financial need who cannot afford to pay the cost of the surgery.  Those interested will be required to complete a short registration form to be approved for the program.  Owners must be able to provide transportation of their pet to and from one of the clinics the day of the surgery.   

PLEASE NOTE: The McCormick Spay and Neuter Fund has been established to help those that may not have the financial means to have their pet fixed. We ask that those that are in need of our assistance only apply for this fund. We cover the costs through donations which also cover the costs of care and feeding of our rescue animals. Once the funds are exhausted we will be unable to help those in need. So please, if you are able to afford the cost of fixing your own animal, please do not use this form. You may contact the clinics yourself to set up an appointment. 

                                                                                    Rose's Rescue will cover the cost of surgery only.  Vaccines are the responsibility of the pet owner.

                                                                                                                                    Applicant will be notified via text.


                                                                                                                       McCormick Spay & Neuter Fund online application

  If you have been referred to the Bonnie Fund by a Rose's Rescue volunteer, please click HERE