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dogs giving bone Donate Supplies and Other Items in Need!

We are always grateful for donated items that we otherwise have to purchase ourselves, and items such as toys and treats increase the quality of life of our rescued pets while they are in our care.   We especially appreciate the following as they are things that we can always use... (Contact us if you have anything to give and we will be happy to make arrangements to get it from you!)  

Rose's Rescue is always looking for new donated items for building of raffle baskets.  This does not need to be cat or dog related, so if you have something you would like to donate give us a call or an email:  330-850-7042 (leave message) or main email address;



Unused Medications for cats or dogs - please do not throw them out. Maybe we could use them. Flea, Heartworm, Wormer, Antibiotics, or anything you might have.
Meds may be dropped off at any of our events. Check out the event list. OR, at Rootstown Veterinary Hospital outside blue recycle bin, 4248 Lynn Rd, Ravenna (Rootstown), Ohio

Dog Related


  • Revolution - Canine Revolution - heartworm/flea/tick preventative - ANY SIZE
  • Panacur - all weights
  • Flea and tick preventative - all weights
  • Martingale Collars-all sizes but especially could use medium, small, & X small-we like the ones with the buckle closure, but use them all
  • Leashes
  • Tough and stuff able toy
  • Nylabones
  • Puppy Pads/Wee Wee Pads
  • Belly Bands for male dogs - all sizes
  • No Pull harnesses
  • Dog food, any brand, prefered; 4Health, available at all Tractor Supply stores, or Diamond Naturals.   
  • Dog Food canned
  • Treats or biscuits of any kind-soft treats for the little guys would be great
  • Dog beds all sizes
  • Dog Brushes
  • Dog Seat Belt Clips-all sizes

Cat Related


  • Interactive Cat Toys
  • Clumping Kitty Litter
  • Kitten food-DRY - Purina Naturals and Purina One Kitten Formula
  • Kitten food- CANNED - Pro Plan Kitten - Beef, Chicken, Turkey - Fancy Feast Kitten - NO seafood please!
  • KMR Kitten Replacement Powder
  • Cat beds - New
  • Cat Nip
  • Water Fountain
  • Paper Towels
  • Dawn Dish Soap
  • Live traps - new or used - for TNR of cats

Miscellaneous Needs

  • Folders for paperwork
  • Dawn dishwashing liquid 
  • Laundry detergent (HE)
  • Clorox Bleach 
  • Paper Towels
  • Unused heartworm and flea/tick preventative treatments. You or someone you know might have a supply on hand from a previously owned pet.  If you do not intend on getting a new dog/cat or if the new pet is a different size/dosage, we can always put any leftover meds to good use!


Rose’s Rescue is in need of outside dog kennels for our fosters homes. We will take new or used kennels, but we need the used ones to be in good shape & easy to remove, not rusted closed or rotted in the ground.  Need 5’ or 6’ tall.  If you have something like this you would like to donate give us a call or send an email to the rescue.  Thank you in advance.

Voice mail:  330-850-7042   Email:
Dog Kennel Donations


Rose’s Rescue exists on the kind donations of others. We also use donations to continue funding the McCormick Spay & Neuter Fund. Our fund is running low, and we need your help to keep it going. If you wish to donate to the rescue, we would much appreciate it.  Donations can be mailed to the PO Box, given on our website by credit card or dropped in a donation bucket when you see our group out and about.

Everyone can help out in some small way. A little from everyone becomes a lot! Help us stop the over population of pets. It hurts too much to have to turn people and pets away because of money.

We thank you in advance.  What is the McCormick Spay/Neuter Fund?