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Sarah's Web Page

Labrador Retriever / Terrier (short coat)  : :  Female

Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about her.

About Sarah

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Size: 25 Pounds
  • Current Age: 13 Years 8 Months (best estimate)

This dog is not with Rose's Rescue, but we are posting her for a colleague in Geagua county to help find her a new home quickly.

Her rescuer reports: Sarah is a female 5-6 months – 25 lbs – will be a small dog.  Looks like a black lab / terrier mix.  Small legs and small feet.  She watches me all of the time.  She will be easy to train.  She looks at your face for clues. 

For more information or if intrested in adopting this puppy, please contact Karen at - Rose's Rescue does not have any more information on this dog.