Chihuahua / Mixed (short coat) : : Female (not spayed) : : Young : : Small
Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about her.
About Angel - Sweet Girl | |
Meet sweet little Angel. She is a 1-2 year old, 12 1/2 lbs. Chihuahua mix. She is such a love. She was unsure of all the other animals at first, but now she gets along with others quite well. Her new best friend is her foster mom's cat. She loves people and loves to be cuddled and held. Angel is up to date on shots, and heart worm negative. She will be set up for spay soon. You can adopt her now and keep her spay appointment. Please contact her care giver at 440-708-8879 if you think you might want to meet this sweet little girl!
Angel is not a Rose's Rescue dog and we will not be handling her inquiries or her adoption. We are posting her here to help her owner help find Angel a new home as soon as possible. To adopt or for more information about Angel please call 440 708 8879 or email
Other Pictures of Angel - Sweet Girl (click to see larger version):