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Animal Success Stories

Happy pets 

HAPPY TAILS!                           

We love hearing updates about our former rescues from their forever families.  If you have adopted a pet from Rose's Rescue and would like to submit his or her story for our Happy Tails page, please send it to, put Happy Tails in the subject line, and don't forget to include a picture!

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Mandy Loves to Swim

Mandy Christmas 2019

Motley URGENT!

My road dawg Motley is still kickn!!! He says hi y'all I'm in Montana these days


Thank You Roses Rescue for helping us find our new family member!

Murphy - eager to learn

I thought I'd send another update about Murphy: We love this dog!! Murphy-Eager-to-Learn is actually one of the STAR STUDENTS at dog training! (He does need to be restrained from hurling himself full force at the neighboring Great Dane, but still..) He does Sit and Down and Watch Me beautifully, and is even learning Leave It. He sits in class with that whitetipped tail wagging so hard, it looks like a strobe light. The instructors love him. We're working on loose leash walking, which may take awhile, and being calm around other dogs (!!also may take awhile--in the presence of other dogs is when hurricane Murphy roars)--but overall he is doing wonderfully and has really settled around Lucky. Sometimes Hans goes biking with Murphy on leash and this is a big hit, as you can imagine, because he can run almost as fast as he likes, for miles. Thank you again for all your work to rescue him--it was so worth it. He has such a big heart, and he makes us laugh every day. We adore him. Here are a couple pics, mostly of Murphy in repose b/c he's a bit of a blur when in motion: Looking smug on Hans' lap, and lying sleepily below my desk in my office, right next to the heater.


I was just thinking about you and how thankful I am to have my wonderful Millie! She is just fine, thank heavens, and is still just adorable. Millie is the shihtzu and has won the hearts of family and neighbors

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