Roscoe-Great Family Dog
Roscoe is doing well! He's been such an amazing addition to our family. We were surprised how easy the transition was. He loves having a dog sister to play with and loves to give her kisses. The first few nights he slept downstairs but now he sleeps in bed with us every night. He gets excited when our kids get home from school everyday. Our dogs are never left home alone for long. Like an hour at most everyday, but he still acts like we've been gone forever and proceeds to get vocal to let us know he's excited we are home. We love him so much and thank you for allowing him join our family.
This is a very loving and lovable guy who doesn't need or ask for much. He just wants a comfy bed or cushion to snooze on, some food in his belly and a little bit of loving from time to time. He'd love a fenced yard, as he does enjoy meandering around the yard, and doesn'Ât seem to mind a bit of rain as much as a lot of other dogs do. He gets excited when he sees a leash, so he'd probably be ok with walks, too. Rupert's new mom says he is doing great! We are so happy for both of them and thankful for his new life