We have had a wonderful experience adopting our Fig & Newton.
They have taken over our hearts and add so much love and lightness to our life.
Their personalities have really come out, they wrestle and play and of course snuggle a lot with us.
Newton is quite the rabbit hunter and it is fun to see her spring into action especially at night on walks.
Thank you for all you do.
Our sweet Ruger unexpectedly passed away 4 weeks ago �� Otis (Roscoe) is incredibly loving and cuddly ⤠He is finding his way and settling in. He loves the freedom of his dog door, the snow, and going for walks.. We adore him! Hope you are doing ok ��
We are absolutely in love with Reese and he has been truly the perfect addition to our family. We just adopted him on the 4th of July, and he has adapted very well over the past 6 weeks.
He has also been through a lot and has recovered remarkably well. Reese had the surgeries he needed with our vet - he had an infected tooth extracted, a tumor removed from his leg, ultrasounds for his lungs and heart, x-rays for his hips and back, and blood tests for his thyroid. X-rays showed that his hips and knees were ok but his back is bridging between L1 and L5, so we're going to keep him comfortable with continued joint supplements, Rimadyl , fish oil and daily massage therapy and Reiki. He was diagnosed with larangeal paralysis where his flaps in his throat don't open properly for him to breath as easily as he should. There is a surgical procedure that on down the road we may have to consider but it comes with it's own list of health issues. So for now the vet has us keeping him indoors in central air conditioning when it's muggy, hot or humid out. We go for short walks later in the evening or earlier in the morning and he goes out just long enough multiple times during the day to go potty.
He loves exploring the fenced-in yard and he visits with the pot belly pigs and the chickens. We're getting ready to make that yard even a bit bigger and he'll have even more room when he's outside. We go for walks on a leash outside the fence - we have about 13 acres - but he gets short of breath easily so we don't go too far.
We're working on "come" "stay" and "sit". These may take a bit - I don't think he's ever had any obedience training, but he's eager to please and does try very hard.
He takes treats so gently out of your hand and he enjoys sitting on the outdoor love seat on the porch in the evenings with my husband. Reese seems to have taken to Kevin in a big way, though he likes me well enough.
We had one other dog - a small Beagle/Boston mix when we adopted Reese - her name was Grace and she was 13 years old. We've been battling kidney failure with her for a little over a year, and this past weekend she went downhill quickly and was euthanized this past Tuesday. My husband was devastated as he had her since she was 2 years old.a However, when he came home from work that day, Reese made sure he was right there to greet him. Reese can be such a goofball and he made Kevin smile and laugh and really filled a big void that would have been more difficult this past week if Reese were not with us.
Many thanks for all your do, for your kindness, and for giving this dog a very loving home.