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Animal Success Stories

Happy pets 

HAPPY TAILS!                           

We love hearing updates about our former rescues from their forever families.  If you have adopted a pet from Rose's Rescue and would like to submit his or her story for our Happy Tails page, please send it to, put Happy Tails in the subject line, and don't forget to include a picture!

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Mugsy Dean has fit in seamlessly with my dog, Frank, and me! He is so sweet and so excited and SO SNUGGLY! Frank needed a friend to play with and love on and Mugs is perfect. They are either running and playing or snuggling together. Frank has a lot of anxiety and Mugs has helped ease that tremendously... he’s even dropped a few lbs with all that play!!! He is such a smart boy, we’ve already mastered potty training, crate training (I say “Mugs, get in your nest” and he walks right in!) he can sit and stay and “down”. I will be registering him as an emotional support dog as soon as he gets the All Clear from the vet in a few months. He hasn’t let heartworm slow him down or break his spirit! He’s such an affectionate, loving, sweet pup and I can’t remember what life was like before him!

Maggie - Cell Dog

Well another years has gone by since Maggie came to live with us. She has been her 5 years and is 6 years old. AS you can see see by her picture she is starting to get some gray on her. She still can be a handful some times but I love her. Please share this Ralph and the rest of the wonderful people at Roses Rescue. She has a good home and loves to eat. Vet always says she needs to loose a few pounds but I like to make sure she is well taken care of. God Bless Bill


Magnum came to me in Dec of 2014 as a foster pup...he was 8 months old, and I couldn't believe what an absolute sweetheart he was!!! He was an owner surrender, and had very little training in manners or walking on a leash, so I started working with him immediately. He was so wanting to please, but had soooo much energy, it was a challenge, but a fun one!! He is a boxer/border collie/treeing walker coonhound mix, and I fell in love!!! Someone had put in an application for him, and just as I was about to take him to meet her, I just couldn't!! I had to have him!! He is now my angel, he rescued me, and he is a well behaved, handsome, loving ball of energy. I wouldn't have it any other way...I love you my Magnum!!!


My husband and I recently adopted Marley, who we renamed Jeter because of our love for Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees. We can't say enough about how happy we are. He is so sweet and lovable and everyone that meets him falls in love with him too. We haven't even had him for a week and can't imagine life without him. He is a ten month old beagle so he is very curious. He has been sniffing and exploring our house and getting used to his new surroundings. We are so grateful to the amazing people at Rose's Rescue for helping us find our new family member. Thank you to Sharon, Kylee and Rose for everything you did for us!


Mia is what is known is rescue circles as a "failed foster." That is to say she was adopted by her foster mom when her foster mom realized she could not give Mia up. Ah, such is the vulnerability of a foster mama's heart; it happens. Mia was surrendered to the Stark County pound by a family who had found her as a stray. They said they were going to keep her but she "kept running off for hours and then returning." Well, it was obvious why she had been roaming and probably even more obvious why they decided not to keep her, for this little gal was pregnant! The pound was no place for a dog to have puppies, so Rose's Rescue took her in and in a few weeks, she delivered seven healthy babies. Mia was a great mother to her brood (she got her name because of her condition - she was dubbed "Mama Mia!), and soon the little ones grew big enough to be adopted by their waiting families. Applications to adopt Mia came in to the rescue too, but most of them just weren't a good fit for Mia. A couple of ones did look right, but the pending adoptions fell through at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. Gradually, Mia's foster mom grew to realize that Mia already had found her forever home right where she was and Mia became a permanent member of the pack. Mia loves the companionship of her two canine sisters, and together one of their favorite pastimes is going to the local dog park to romp and run to their hearts' content. Mia loves to be outside, even when it's cold. Once inside, however, she loves to curl up in front of the gas stove heater every bit as much! She is a bit on the vocal side as she thinks barking is the only way make her feelings known, but is slowly learning to only use that form of expression when it's appropriate. Mia likes to be on the go and enjoys accompanying her mom to work most days, but in the evening she turns into a big cuddle bug. She thinks that 30 lbs is perfectly fine for a lap dog, and, other than in front of the heat stove, a lap is the best place in the world to sleep while Mom watches TV.

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